
Showing posts from July, 2018

Brief analysis of iota coin price today you may interested in

From July 7th to July 9th, the price of iota is good and continues to be bullish.  At the same time, on July 9th, it was reported that the + CityxChange Alliance, including the IOTA Foundation, had won the bid for the Smart City Lighthouse Project and received funding of 200,000 euros from the European Union. It is said that the total financing amount of the project has reached 300,000 euros. Most investors  thought  that  this good news could drive the price of iota to continue to rise, but in fact it didn ’ t develop as they expected. T he iota coin price  today  is 1.04 US dollars, which is 4.23% lower than yesterday. Some investors worry that the price of iota will fall below 1 US dollar. I don't think investors need to worry too much.  It is not uncommon in the market. Consider the continued decline in the MIOTA / BTC ratio. This is mainly due to the slight decline in the price of Bitcoin in the past few hours, although this will not have much impact on the enti

Value-kept currency usdt to usd exchange rate remains at 1:1 in any case?

In the digital currency market, due to policy restrictions, most exchanges do not support direct transactions between fiat currencies and digital currencies, and the over-the-counter transaction process is cumbersome and high-priced, so USDT has become a connector for fiat currencies and digital currencies as usdt to usd exchange rate  is 1:1. However the USDT has always been controversial for a long time, particularly over the controvercy of "over-issued" and ”  the lack of dollar reserves ” .While Tether seems to have not been effected by those disputes. Since its release in 2015, USDT has been over-issued for 104 times in total, most of which are concentrated after September 2017. And since the beginning of this year, the USDT has been issued for 14 times, with a total number of 1.71 billion, accounting for 56.6% of the current total. Due to the relatively stable price, when the market fluctuates, many investors will convert the digital currency into USDT for

Is ICO a Scam or a Real Business?

ICO has been widely developed in 2017. Various industries and projects have been invested in this emerging fundraising model. However, in just one year, the enthusiasm for digital cryptocurrencies has cooled down. According to data from the Dead Coins website, there are currently about 800 inactive tokens in the digital cryptocurrency industry, and the Coinopsy website directly predicts that more than 1,000 projects will eventually die. Well-known investor Aaron Brown said in an email: There is indeed a lot of fraud in the ICO market. I think 80% of ICO financing cases are purely fraudulent, and 10% lack substantial operations, and they quickly fail after financing. The last 10% of projects will end in other reasons. According to an analysis conducted by ICO consulting firm Satis Group in March: less than 4% of ICO projects with financing between $50 million and $100 million can be successful. The Coinopsy website, which predicts the deaths of thousands of blockcha

Is it the right time for RBA launches ripple (xrp) transaction?

According to CCN news on Wednesday this week, Australian Independent Reserve Bank  will provide support for Ripple's token currency -XRP transaction this week. The bank currently offers statutory trading pairs between the US dollar, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar and bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin cash and Litecoin. Ripple currency trading  will be launched on Saturday and users can buy xrp with usd , aud, and nzd. Adrian Przelozny, chief executive of the Independent Reserve Bank, said: Our customers have been asking to  trade XRP,  and we think this timing is right for them. However, Is this really the right time? On the next day after the Australian Independent Reserve Bank announced the launch of the Ripple (XRP) transaction (on July 5 th ), Ripple suffered a third class action lawsuit. This is the third class action lawsuit received by Ripple Labs in two months. The three lawsuit allegations are similar in that they are about whether the ripple (xrp) is a se

How is Ripple different from Bitcoin?

Ripple is committed to becoming a standard trading protocol common to all major banks around the world, making money transfers as cheap and convenient as e-mail. Like Bitcoin, the emergence of Ripple makes it easier to trade currencies around the world. Here is the xrp charts which can give you more detailed information about ripple.   (source from: ) So what is the difference between Ripple and Bitcoin? Why does Ripple dare to challenge Bitcoin?  Will Ripple surpass Bitcoin to become the king of cryptocurrencies one day? Ripple VS Bitcoin 1.  Ripple network can send any currency Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, while Ripple is an Internet transaction protocol that allows people to pay in any currency. For example, Party A can use Ripple to pay in US dollars, while Party B can directly receive Euros through Ripple. 2.  Ripple trade  can be completed in seconds Like Bitcoin, Ripple is also a shareable public database, and it is also a global revenu

The crypto market bounced back, is the bull market coming?

According to foreign media reports on July 2, the market value of Bitcoin and Ethereum increased by 5% in the hours before the report, which was due to the sudden surge in trading volume. In those few hours, Bitcoin’s trading volume soared by more than $1 billion, Ethereum’s volume increased by nearly 20%, and Tether’s trading volume reached $4.2 billion. The rising trend of Tether ( usdt cryptocoin ) and BTC / ETH indicates that investors are reallocating funds stored in the USDT to digital assets. On July 3, CCN reported that the next 24 hours are critical to the crypto  market and will define trends in key digital assets including Bitcoin and Ethereum this week. A CNN report states: "The transaction volume of Bitcoin has recovered to US$4.6 billion, and the transaction volume of Ethereum has increased to US$1.5 billion. The recovery of daily trading volume of major cryptocurrencies means an increase in the stability of the cry  market.  The next 24 hours may determ

What is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in Blockchain?

On the Internet, if there is no third-party organization, such as Tencent, Alibaba, Bank and other to provide verification information, we still can't confirm each other's identity, and can't establish the trust relationship needed for economic exchanges between each other. The Internet has improved the efficiency of information exchange but also collected our data, which may cause some troubles for us. While the distributed ledger of the blockchain perfectly solves this problem. DLT is a database that is shared, replicated, and synchronized among network members. It records transactions between network participants, such as the exchange of assets or data. Participants in the network constrain and negotiate updates of the records in the ledger according to consensus principles. There is no involvement of intermediate third party arbitration institutions. Participants can get a copy of a unique, real ledger. Any changes in the ledger will be reflected in all cop