Three reasons for Ethereum will rise to $1,000 almost within one month

1.Ethereum mining activities increased
To avoid his short-tearm objective wont come to naught, the founder of Ethereum decided to increase the mining activities on the basis of blockchains actions, which means ETH blockchain is going through mining activities that were not available a few months ago.

2.High trading volume of Ethereum
As the second largest cryptocurrency after bitcoin, the trading volume of ETH is high, which has led to a sustained rise in demand for the eth coin.There is no doubt that eth price will go up with the higher demand and the lower supply.

3.Ethereum value increased
Here is the highest value of ETH in the last two weeks.
April 9, 2018, $429.17
April16, 2018, $534.20
April 23, 2018, $646.70
The data shows that ETH has added at least $100 a week over the past two weeks. It means ETH will soar into $1,000 four weeks later ( at the end May) if it maintains the current trend.


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