How Blockchain Technology and Cryprocurrency Breaks Social Deadlock

There are countless current social products, including Wechat, Weibo, QQ, and Facebook, which we are familiar with. In addition, there are also a lot of subversive startup social products that come out one after another but are all short-lived.

When using the traditional social products, users founder that there are some problems which often causes some problems for users.For example, the privacy is not protected, users communication information is arbitrarily intercepted, saved, and analyzed (therefore, you may receive more than a dozen sales calls a day.); The transaction time is costly and the process is not protected.

Fortunately, with the rapid development of the blockchain, Maggie's birth has effectively solved this series of problems.

1.1 What is Maggie
Maggie is the first global social network in the blockchain and is a social platform that targets strong authentication, high privacy, weak relationships, and strong personality, maggie maggie builds a stranger social network with a trust system by exploiting the non-destructive nature of blockchains. Apart from dating, it can also build a larger social ecology based on community blockchains.

1.2 Maggies Features
(1)User privacy: Users need to be authenticated first, and they then can enter the game. The user's information is stored on the blockchain and cannot be changed after recognition. At the same time, Maggie will use Bitcoin-like user address as the unique ID. On the technical level, Mackie completely isolates the user information that is identified through the digital key to avoid information leakage.

(2)Encryption session: Mackie uses an encrypted peer-to-peer communication mechanism. Communication information will not be on the blockchain, nor will it be analyzed. Only the two people in the chat will know what the conversation says and the others will not be able to monitor it.

(3)Intelligent model matching: The user's personalized appeal and transaction will be stored on the blockchain, modeling and analyzing based on the open data of the blockchain, identifying and marking out the ID of the valuable customer, thus reducing the amount of garbage information.

(4)Secure transaction security: For example, Maggies dating section will protect the user's rights through smart contracts throughout the transaction. The transaction is completed through the block consensus between the two nodes.

1.3 What's the use of Maggie's coins?
Maggie's token name is mag in english, which was released on January 20, 2018. The main role is:
(1) The user can increase the matching success rate by increasing the single transaction price and the total holding of the grain pledge.

(2) All evaluations are based on real transactions, raise the threshold for evaluation, and adopt PoW-like mechanisms. Different transaction values and trading objects generate different evaluation weights.

(3) Smart contract trading

1.4 Maggie's Investment Value Analysis

Overall, I personally be optimistic about Maggie. There are two reasons for this. First of all, we can see from the Maggie chart, the price of Maggie experienced a dramatic rise and reached the historical high at 0.0083187 USD on Jan 21, 2017, soon after its release. Although after that, the price gradually declined while greatly varying, Since May, prices have risen sharply, even exceeding US$0.08. Although it began to decline again, the duration became a bit minor.

Another reason is that the market for social products is large enough, and with the shortcomings of current traditional social products, Maggie will sooner or later break the social deadblock and establish its position in the social product industry.

2.CoffeeCoin (cfc)

Using social products to make friends is a social fashion that is more popular nowadays. Compared to social apps, drinking coffee may seem more traditional but it is also a good social way. So, what I'm going to introduce next is a kind of coffee-related crypto currency called coffecoin.

As one of the three major drinks in the world, coffee occupies an important position in global trade, and the development and optimization of the coffee industry chain has attracted much attention. With the rapid development of blockchain technology, blockchain has quickly entered the field of our beverage.

Coffee gold chain is a decentralized digital asset and virtual commodity based on "peer-to-peer" technology and blockchain technology. It is a fourth-generation digital currency based on scrypt algorithm (just like GrandCoin (gdc). what is gdc? It is a fast and secure cryptocurrency based on the blockchain technology and also uses scrypt algorithm).

Coffeecoin (CFC) It is safe and anonymous. At the same time, it also brought a new payment method. Anyone can easily become a member of the coffee coin community by simply installing a wallet of coffee coins and using it for some payment and exchange services.

3. Beatcoin (XBTS)

In addition to the two social modes mentioned above, attending a party or going to a bar is also a very popular social way for young people. When it comes to these two occasions, I d like to talk about the necessary music which can create exciting atmosphere. So, what is the link between blockchain and music?

If we say Maggie is the combination of blockchain and social, then Beatcoin is the combination of WeChat payment and music box (xbt price is $0.061253 USD when Im writing this article). Beatcoin turns everybodys cell phone into a music box, and every bar owner can accept beatcoins and play songs on everyones mobile phone. Is it cool?

People who are attending parties can vote in their Beatcoin purse. Next to each song, you can see a different beatcoin address. They all point to the same wallet. At the back end, a scheduled task will check how much xbt cryptocurrency each song receives and will give them a rating.

After know something about these three kinds of cryptocurrency, did you suddenly discover that the cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies were so close to us that they even have recently penetrated into our social life? No wonder some people have said that if you dont know the blockchain technology yet, You're Out! Anyway, hope the blockchain technology can help us solve the problems we are facing by using the traditional social products soon.


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