0x, a potential cryptocurrency keep growing in the 2018 downtrend


At the beginning of 2018, many cryptocurrencies reached the highest price, but since the middle of January, market prices have started to fall, and so far it has risen slightly, but it cannot be fully restored. However, even in this downward trend, there are currencies that continue to grow. The most typical among them is 0x.

In the past ten years, the wealth of the Internet era has been concentrated in the application layer. Companies such as Google, Amazon, Ali, Tencent and Baidu have not obtained much wealth in the protocol layer. The blockchain era and the Internet age now have different characteristics. Most of the value is concentrated in the protocol layer, such as Ethereum, Qtum, EOS, and of course 0x, the leading role of today.

0x (ZRX) is an open, unprivileged protocol that allows ERC 20 tokens to be traded on Ethereum blockchains. At the beginning of this year, ZRX's trading price was more than 1 US dollar. However, in the second half of the month, prices have risen by nearly 2.4 times and have been declining since then. It reached $2 in early May, but it soon fell to $1.07. So it has increased by about 20% from the beginning of this year. So whats the potential of 0x? Why can it still develop steadily in such a severe market environment?

0x price chart

1. 0x combines the advantages of centralized and decentralized
Orders were handled by off-chain and settled by on-chain, which can save resources, increase speed, reduce the possibility of hacker attacks, make the entire system more secure, and protect user privacy and transaction security. This transaction method means that orders can be transferred to the off-chain, and the on-chain focus on settlement, which improves the operational efficiency of the system and reduces the operating costs.
2. 0x does not impose costs on users, nor does it arbitrarily gain value from a group of users to benefit other users.
0x considers the current Ethereum congestion problem when designing, so it innovatively introduced the concept of relay nodes. When we initiate an order in the access agreement's DApps, the relay is equivalent to a large order book. It will record your order and help you with the order. Only once there is an order that match the information of your order, it will be traded on the chain. After the success of the relay, the relay will charge zrx to the user to use as the handling fee.

3. 0x has its own Ethereum token - ZRX
The currency is used to pay for the transaction costs to the relay. However, the main purpose of the ZRX is distributed management through the 0x protocol upgrade system, which means that you have a say based on your ZRX holdings over how the protocol improves over time.

With so many advantages, and it can solve so many problems, how can 0x not be hot and popular?


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